#14: Goal Setting According to Enneagram Type
It’s that time of year where we are all thinking toward a new year and planning out our goals for the next 365 days.
The problem with this is that many times we try to use a system that just doesn’t work with what motivates us or aligns with our values and strengths.
For planning to work, it must be tailored for your unique talents and way of getting things done.
In this episode, we look at planning strategies that can be used for each Enneagram Type.
When you’re choosing a planning style, it’s really important that you choose one that works for you individually because it can help you be more effective and efficient in achieving your goals. A planning style that works for you is going to take into account your personal strengths, your preferences, your limitations, and it’s going to help you stay organized, focused, and motivated in a way that may not work for someone else.
Planning in this way will enable you to set clearer, more achievable goals and stay on track and improve your productivity and performance. However, what this looks like for each person is going to look different, and that’s perfectly ok!
What we’re going to focus on in this episode is how you can lean into your particular Enneagram type too plan and the way that’s most effective for you.
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Episode 14 Transcript
Deanna Pecina: I want to acknowledge that if in the past you have started the year and you’ve, you know, you’ve purchased a new calendar and. You’ve mapped out all of the things that you think you should be doing. And then you get halfway through January and you’re not using the calendar. Well, that’s probably not the right system for you.
You really want to make sure that you find a planning system that aligns for who you are? What motivates you, what your core values are. And what your blind spots are, because if you’re not planning for your blind spots, that’s the thing that’s going to keep you stuck and repeating the same patterns over and over again.
Well, Hey there, friends and welcome to episode 14 of the leading by type a podcast. I don’t know about you all, but I can’t believe that 2023 is literally just a few days away at the time of this podcast. We’re in that time of here where we’re almost to next year. And. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I feel like there’s this pressure to plan out goals for the upcoming year.
And the problem that I’ve always ran into in the past is trying to use other people’s styles of planning, which can work. If that particular style of planning works for you. But so many times we try to fit our way of thinking into somebody else’s way of thinking. And it just winds up leaving us frustrated and confused.
So when you’re choosing a planning style, it’s really important that you choose one that works for you because it can help you be more effective and efficient in achieving your goals. Uh, planning style that works for you is going to take into account your personal strengths, your preferences, your limitations, and it’s going to help you stay organized, focused, and motivated in a way that may not work for someone else. And that’s okay.
So you want to make sure that you have a planning style that’s aligned with your needs because when you do that, And you’re using your particular strengths and abilities. You’re going to be able to set clearer, more achievable goals. You’ll be able to break those goals down into smaller, more manageable tasks. You’ll be able to prioritize and monitor your progress in a way that works for you.
You’ll be able to stay on track and improve your productivity and performance, but how all of those things show up for different people is going to look different. And so what we’re going to focus on today is how you can lean into your particular Enneagram type. To plan and the way that’s most effective for you.
So there’s a couple of different ways that the Enneagram can be used as a planning system.
One way is to use it, to understand your own strengths and weaknesses, and to develop a plan that leveraging those strengths and addresses your weaknesses. So, for example, if you are an Enneagram type three, you might be naturally ambitious and driven, but you might also have a tendency to prioritize work and success.
Over personal relationships. So, when you use this information, you can develop a plan that includes setting aside time for your relationships, as well as setting goals and making progress in your career. Another way that you can use the Enneagram as a planning system is to consider how your personality type might influence your decision-making process.
Each type has a specific set of core motivations and values and ways of thinking. And understanding these is going to help you make decisions that are in line with your values and your goals.
So, let’s dive into each one of the nine types and look at specific strategies that will help you plan your most effectively as we start into 2023. So, first of all, our type ones, you are our perfectionists. Type ones tend to be organized and very detail oriented. So, for you a detailed plan or to do list.
Is going to help you set really clear goals for yourself. You’ll also benefit from making sure that you set aside time for reflection and self-improvement.
As we head into 2023, I want to challenge you type ones to move from perfection into purpose. What is the reason why behind you’re doing things and focus on that versus making sure that everything is perfect, because if you’re focused on perfection many times that can freeze you in your tracks and keep you from making forward progress.
Along those lines. You’re going to want to make sure that you identify obstacles and make a plan for the ones that are in your control. You know what things are coming up throughout the course of the year? I plan for those and learn to let go of the ones that are outside of your control. And you need to remember that you can change your goals at any time, just because you set the goal doesn’t mean that you have to stick to it and make sure everything goes perfectly. If something’s not working for you, you have permission to change the goals at any time.
A strategy that works really well for type ones is using a smart goal method. [00:05:00] So making sure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound as a way to make sure that you’re keeping that inner critic that you have in check.
Our type twos are our helpers. If you’re a type two, we know that you are caring and you’re helpful, and you were always taking care of the needs of others.
And so in your planning, you have a tendency to prioritize the needs of other people. And consider how your actions are going to impact others. But it’s also important as a tight too, that you take care of yourself and that you rest. It can be exhausting when you’re always putting so much energy towards other people.
Some strategies that type twos want to incorporate into their planning or remembering that your needs matter. And it’s okay for you to set boundaries and say, no, it’s not selfish for you to say no, it’s a form of self-care that allows you to be able to take care of yourself so that you can serve others at your highest level.
Another thing that type twos should also focus on, or what are the things that you are passionate about? What are your hobbies? What are something in your community that you are committed [00:06:00] to? So that when you’re coming up with goals, there’s a deeper meaning that’s attached to it. Type twos also would really benefit from having an accountability buddy, someone to work with. Who’s going to keep you accountable and cheer you on as you work towards your goals.
It’s really important as a type two, that as you think towards what it is that you want to accomplish in 2023, that you set goals around your personal needs, your wellness and your mental health. And again, respecting those boundaries, because those are the things that are going to protect your energy so that you can show up and serve at your highest level.
Type three’s goal setting is your jam. You are driven and you are ambitious. You have no problem setting goals and creating a plan for achieving them. You also are going to benefit from making sure that you relax and rest and build that time into your schedule. For a type three, instead of just setting a goal to set a goal, I want to challenge you to know why you’re setting the goal. What are [00:07:00] your values and checking your goals against them.
A really good activity. And this is one that was mentioned in my interview with Travis Barker is the five whys asking yourself why you’re doing something and then asking why again, and then why again? So when you dig down through those five layers of why you’re going to get to the root behind what it is that you’re committing to.
As a type three, you really want to make sure that you balance out your desire to achieve those goals and make sure that you build in time for rest. Because if you are just go, go, go, go, go, go. You have a tendency to burn yourself out and you want to avoid that.
One strategy that you can try is creating one clear goal at a time, and really staying in tune with your why and your values so that when you’re putting your energy towards accomplishing that goal, you’re really clear on not only what is it that you’re going after, but why you’re going after it. And along those lines, you want to make sure that you don’t [00:08:00] set a goal just for the sake of setting a goal that’s based on performance or competition or something. That’s just going to make you look good.
Make sure that it’s connected to a Y and that’s going to help you really step into achieving what your higher purpose is.
Type fours. You are the individualists and you are our creatives and your expressive and all of this talk about goal setting is probably making you go. I don’t like, I don’t want to do this. So for you, goal setting really needs to be something that. Utilizes your self-expression and your creativity.
So for you, goal setting is something where you really want to make sure that you find a way to incorporate your self-expression and your creativity. Goal setting for you and planning for you might involve artistic expression. It might involve doodling. It’s probably not something where you’re going to sit down at an Excel document and map out the next three months. That’s not going to work for you. You need to make sure that you are doing [00:09:00] planning in a way that.
Incorporates reflection and introspection and your ability to really tap into that creativity. A couple of strategies that work well for type fours are considered creating a vision board so that you have something physical and tangible to tie your goals to. And also something that allows you to use that creative side.
Find a friend that you can communicate with when you’re feeling discouraged and they can remind you of why it is that you have committed to a specific goal. For you making sure that your core values and your goals are aligned is going to be essential because you are so good at being creative and coming up with new ideas. You really want to make sure that the things that you’re committing to are aligned and really are the things that you should be.
Focused on. Yeah. Also for type fours, don’t think about an entire project all at once. You really want to come up with small action steps to keep you from feeling [00:10:00] overwhelmed because this thought of having to have the whole having to. Forrest. Don’t like to be told what they have to do. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself. You want to be able to focus on what are the small steps that need to happen. And that also incorporate that creativity that feeds who you are.
Type fives. You are our investigator. Five’s you are analytical and introspective and in a planning process, you’re going to want to gather as much information as you can before you make a decision or you create a plan. And for you, it’s really helpful if you set aside time for some quiet reflection and solitude.
In terms of. Strategies that fives can use. I really want to push you to set goals, that challenge your thinking. Because as a type five, you were always seeking out new information and it’s actually a good thing for you to feel a little bit incompetent because it’s going to stretch you and force you to grow.
Along those lines. Do you want to make sure that you set some limits on your planning and research because you can get lost in this and you don’t want the [00:11:00] act of researching to take the place of actually planning and mapping out your goals because it can kind of become a mask for you to hide behind.
For type fives, you want to make sure that you break your goals into small action steps and , your goals should be related to learning or things that are process oriented goals. again for you. I’m going to push you to go outside of your comfort zone and share. The completion of a goal with another person, because as a type five, you have a tendency to work by yourself and working with another person is going to amplify your ability to be able to get the job done.
Our sixes are our loyal skeptics. Type sixes. You actually make really, really good strategic planners because you have the ability to anticipate all of the things that could go wrong. The challenge is, is that you want to make sure that you’re not just focusing on all of the things that could go wrong and getting anxiety or worry over the what if, what if, what if so for you all, you might find it helpful to create a plan that does include contingencies for these unexpected [00:12:00] events.
And making sure that you have some sort of a support system in place. So when things don’t go as planned. You don’t have to move into a place of anxiety. You can go to your support system for help. For type sixes to battle that anxiety. It’s also a really good thing to make sure that you have time for relaxation.
And stress-relief. Some strategies that you can use are to incorporate and challenge yourself to see. Another perspective for what’s possible instead of anticipating all of the, what ifs, what ifs in terms of what could go wrong, think about all the things that could go, right. And focusing on learning and process oriented goals are going to help you develop your decision making skills.
And that goal setting is really about taking one step at a time towards what it is that you’re trying to achieve and not going out into the future and imagining all of the things that could go wrong, because that can keep you from moving forward. So it’s also important that you have some folks that are really trusted advisors for you to seek out their [00:13:00] opinions and their feedback.
If you’re feeling stuck, as you’re trying to accomplish your goals.
Type sevens. You are, are enthusiastic visionaries. You are energetic and spontaneous, and you have ideas for days. And someone telling you to plan feels like the opposite of fun, because planning is something that. Doesn’t leave room for new opportunities and experiences. So you need to build that into your planning.
You need to make sure that you build in opportunities for growth and opportunities for new experiences. And you also need to make sure that you’re setting time aside for relaxation I’m for some rest. So as a type seven. You know what it is that you value and you know, what it is that feels right. So take those two things that you know about yourself and trust that when you’re coming up with what your goals are,
For you. Breaking up goals into smaller objectives is going to be key to making a big project feel manageable. And it’s also something that is going to help you stay present with your objectives so that you can complete [00:14:00] them because sevens have a tendency to get distracted or excited by the next new idea.
And can have a challenges with seeing things through, to the end. So you’re going to want to make sure that you have an accountability from a trusted friend who can remind you of what it is that you’ve committed to. And what it is that you need to complete because this desire to chase something new.
Can overwhelm you and keep you from staying committed to goals that challenge yourself to grow. The other thing is a seven that you can be really good at doing because your visionary. Is visualizing, what are the outcomes and thinking about what are all of the benefits of achieving that goal so that you can feel inspired again, like you did when you originally came up with the idea.
Type eights. You are our challengers. You are our assertive and decisive planners. You want to have a decisive plan? You’re willing to take risks to achieve your goals. But you also need to make sure that you set aside or for relaxation. And self-care notice that’s a theme in all of these and that you want to have [00:15:00] relaxation and self-care.
Because if we get so caught up in going after things in the way that we do it, no matter what that looks like based on your type, it’s going to cause you to burn out. So every single one of the types needs to make sure that you have some sort of relaxation and self-care, that works for your type. For type eights, what are the why of your goals? Are you trying to control something or is it fulfilling a deeper need?
You need to be really clear on why it is that you’re going after something. Because that’s going to empower you to be more decisive.
Eight’s would also benefit from making a list of things that. You no longer want to do, because as an eight, you can feel like you can do all of the things and sometimes spread yourself too thin. And none of them get done well. So be really clear and decisive and choose a list of things that. Excite you and our process oriented. So you can set goals are going to challenge you to grow as well.
And as an eight, you need to be careful not to. Make impulsive [00:16:00] decisions. Because those impulsive decisions you you’re, you’re hardwired to want to take action. But make sure that when you are taking action, that it’s the right action that has actionable steps built into the plan. And built into the process.
And last but not least our type nines. Our type nines, which is my type. We are easygoing and adaptable, and it can be really easy when you’re sitting down to plan to think about what everyone else wants. But yourself. So as a type nine, yes, you’re going to be flexible in your planning and you’re going to go with the flow.
But I want you to sit down and think about what do you want to accomplish? What is it that you want to achieve? Don’t think about other people. Just think about yourself. Evaluate your list based on your values and then put them in order of importance. And for type nines. Creating goals that allow you to get into momentum is going to be key to avoiding overwhelm or distractions. [00:17:00] Because as a type nine, you can get caught up and seeing all of these different points of views and all of these different directions and all of these different ways that you could go.
So you want to make sure that you’re creating goals, where you’re having progress, that you can track so that you can see the progress that you’re making toward the end result.
When you seek accountability, don’t ask for other people’s opinions because this will de rail you, because you are concerned about what other people have to say. And what other people have to think. You want to make sure. That if you are seeking accountability, it’s accountability to getting something done. You don’t want to ask for other people’s unnecessary opinions because when you do that,
You discount your own voice and you’re letting other people’s opinions come in and influence your goals. another thing that you can do is make sure that you are creating goals, where you have timeframes, where there is a target. And there’s an outcome and you know how much time it’s going to take you to get there because that’s something that’s going to help [00:18:00] keep you in momentum as you’re moving forward
It’s important to remember that regardless of what your Enneagram type is. All of these tips are really generalizations because each person is unique. it’s helpful to use your, your Enneagram type as a guide, but ultimately it’s up to you to determine what works best for you. And your own planning and your own decision making.
But I want to acknowledge that if in the past you have started the year and you’ve, you know, you’ve purchased a new calendar and. You’ve mapped out all of the things that you think you should be doing. And then you get halfway through January and you’re not using the calendar. Well, that’s probably not the right system for you.
You really want to make sure that you find a planning system that aligns for who you are? What motivates you, what your core values are. And what your blind spots are, because if you’re not planning for your blind spots, that’s the thing that’s going to keep you stuck and repeating the same patterns over and over again.
So when you don’t plan, according to your [00:19:00] strengths, you’re probably going to struggle completing tasks and meeting goals, because you’re trying to use the skills that you have, that aren’t as strong or developed as the things that come naturally to you. So this is probably going to lead to frustration. Poor performance goals, not completed. Negative consequences.
Miss deadlines or negative feedback from other people. So this is why planning based on your strengths is going to be really important because what it does. Is, it allows you to leverage your natural abilities and skills, which ultimately increases your chances of success and helps you avoid potential challenges or setbacks.
In addition. When you’re planning using your strengths, you’re going to increase your efficiency because you’re going to be more likely to complete tasks effectively because you’re working in a way that is natural for you. You’ll also see improved quality. When you plan using your strengths and your values, it’s going to lead to a higher quality work because you’re going to be able to bring your full [00:20:00] capabilities to whatever it is that you’re working on.
You’ll also have greater satisfaction because you’re going to be more fulfilled and you’re going to feel better because when you plan in a way that works for you. You’re going to be more likely to accomplish the goals that you’ve committed to. And it’s going to boost your confidence because when you can see the positive impact of your skills and your ability on your work. You’re going to want to be able to continue doing those types of things because you’re what you’re doing is you’re leveraging your unique talents and abilities to achieve the goals that you’ve committed to
So as we head into a new year, I want to challenge you to let go of ideas of what you think planning should look like. Just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean that it’s going to work for you. You may have a coach who is very adamant, that planning should happen in a specific way at a specific time in a specific order.
And that’s great that may work for that person. But if you’re not wired in that way, it’s not going to work for you. So I want to give you permission to let [00:21:00] go of what you think goal setting should look like. Instead focus on what it is that you need in order to be successful.
If you’re not sure of your Enneagram type. You can go to leading by type.com forward slash quiz. And that’s a quick little quiz that I’ve created that will help you start to identify your leadership type. And when you take that quiz, you’ll also get a guide that goes over each one of the types, and we’ll help you figure out which one you are.
Or if you’d like to take a more in-depth test to figure out exactly what your Enneagram type is and get some really specific feedback and guidance as to areas of growth and opportunities for you, based on how you answered your questions. Reach out to [email protected]. And we can get you set up with an IEQ nine assessment, which is hands down one of the best Enneagram assessments that you can take.
To start to figure out what your type is. I just want to reiterate and i’ve said this in past episodes [00:22:00] that the enneagram is not something where you can take a test and definitively and say oh yes this is my number it has to be something that you pick and choose for yourself so taking a test is really a first step into discovering and uncovering what exactly your enneagram profile is
Thank you again so much for being here today. I’m excited as we move into 2023, and I hope that you found this episode helpful. I love spending time and learning with you. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would just ask that you please share it with a friend and make sure that you have rated the show and leave me a review because I do love hearing from you.
If you’d like to hang out with me on Instagram, you can find me out leading by type, or you can join the leading by tight Facebook group as well. And I’ll link that in the show notes. I’ll see you back here next week and hope you will be too. See you then friend.